Atlantean Healing Energetics
1st Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Being are targeted at your lung meridian. Healing any disharmony along the lung meridian, the lung rules and regulates qi throughout the body and administers respiration (breathing). In addition, the lung moves and adjusts the water channels, so disorders of this meridian may be related to disharmony of lung fluid or "water" and respiratory disorders.
2nd Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Being are targeted at your Pericardium meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Pericardium Meridian is related to the imbalance of the TCM heart and blood functions. The manifestation includes heart pain (precordial pain), chest discomfort, palpitations and an oppressed feeling in the chest. Since the Heart stores the "shen" or mental activities, Pericardium Meridian disorders are related to mania. In addition, swelling of the axilla and spasms of the elbow and arm can indicate a problem in this meridian.
3rd Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your heart meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Heart Meridian leads to pain at the heart position (precordial pain or pain at the sternum). In TCM, the heart rules the blood and the pulse. Without sufficient nourishment, an individual may feel thirsty and have a dry throat. Pain in the inner side of the forearm and heat in the palm may also indicate problems in this meridian.
4th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your large intestine meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Large Intestine Meridian can lead to symptoms of abdominal pain, intestinal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and dysentery. Since it passes through the oral cavity and the nose, symptoms like toothache, a runny nose, and nosebleeds.
5th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings is targeted at your triple-warmer meridian clearing energy blockages can be the result of stress, an injury or trauma, or bad living habits can be traced to the root of all health (physical/mental/spiritual) problems.
6th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your small intestines meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Small Intestine Meridian which may present mainly as symptoms along its pathway such as a swollen chin, stiff neck, sore throat, hearing problems, yellow eyes, as well as pain along the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, and forearm.
7th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your spleen meridian. Healing any disharmony in the body which may appear to be a spleen dysfunction. According to TCM, the spleen is responsible for the transformation and transportation of different substances and is the foundation of our after-birth existence. Spleen function is essential in maintaining the digestive power of the body and transforming food into qi and blood. If the Spleen Meridian does not function properly, qi cannot be efficiently transported to the spleen. As a result, symptoms like abdominal distention, loose stools, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence, and a heavy sensation in the body occur. In addition, symptoms such as pain at the root of the tongue, swelling of the inner side of the lower limb may also indicate disharmony of the Spleen Meridian.
8th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your liver meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Liver Meridian leads to groin pain, chest fullness, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, swelling of the lower abdomen, and hernias.
9th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your kidneys meridian. Healing any disharmony of Kidney Meridian can manifest as wheezing or coughing because the kidneys "grasp the qi". They also are the "mansion of fire and water," and the "residence of yin and yang". If there is insufficient nourishment and warming of the kidney, symptoms like edema (swelling), constipation, and diarrhea can indicate an imbalance in this meridian. Pain in the groin and pharynx (throat), blockages which may be located along the meridian's pathway.
10th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your stomach meridian. Healing any disharmony along the stomach meridian that has symptoms of stomachache, rapid digestion, hunger, nausea, and vomiting, or thirst. Other symptoms that relate to disorders along the meridian pathway include abdominal distension, ascites (a fluid buildup in the abdomen), sore throat, nosebleeds, or pain in the chest or knee.
11th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your gall bladder meridian. The gall bladder is closely related to the liver. Healing any disharmony along the Gall Bladder Meridian causes symptoms such as a bitter taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache, and pain at the outer angle of the eyelids. Pain along the meridian pathway such as in the axilla (armpit), chest, lower chest, buttocks, and the lateral side of the lower limbs can also indicate a disorder of the Gall Bladder Meridian.
12th Track
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted at your bladder meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Bladder Meridian which may lead to problems of TCM bladder dysfunction. It is often related to symptoms caused by external pernicious influences (outside influences that cause diseases such as cold, wind, fire, dampness, dryness and summer heat). Because the Tai Yang Meridian is considered the most exterior, it is the first meridian to be invaded if there is any external attack. Therefore, its disharmony can cause symptoms such as difficult urination, incontinence, painful eyes, runny nose, nose bleeding, and nasal congestion. Pain in the head, neck, back, groin, and buttock areas.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean Beings are targeted towards both the Governing and Conception Vessels which are two branches of the same source, and inseparable Yin‐and‐Yang, front‐and‐back duality. These vessels connect the uterus with the kidneys, heart, and brain bringing the flow of Qi into one full circle. The Conception vessel, or meridian, plays a major role in Qi circulation, monitoring and directing all of the Yin channels. It forms a circular formation with the Governing Vessel ensuring the energies are flowing in harmony.
Helps with bi‐polar disorders, vertigo, vomiting.ck
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