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Core Shadow Patterns

A core pattern is a set of repeated thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that trip us up and temporarily block our path to fully knowing and sharing our inner light. We all have core patterns. They are learned reactions; they are not part of our divine blueprint. 

Identifying and clearing core patterns can be tricky because the pattern will do everything it can  to stay alive. It will convince us that it does not even exist.  

How Core Patterns Take Root  

The primary ways that core patterns take root within us are listed below. Feel free to add to this list as we discover other ways in which they may have taken root within each of us.  

a) Genetic   
These patterns may be passed down from generation to generation through our DNA. If a pattern is present in our parents and grandparents, it may have genetic roots.  Remember that genetic traits can skip a generation or two—it is possible to have a genetically rooted pattern that is not exhibited in our parents or grandparents.  When one person heals in a gene pool, permission is given for everyone else in that gene pool to heal as well.


b) Environmental  
Environmental roots take hold due to environmental factors and influences. These patterns are caused by the environment in which one lives where others display a specific core pattern. Either we take on a core pattern because it has become so familiar to us within our environment, or we rebel against our environment, thus inadvertently taking on a core pattern in reaction to the energy we are fighting against.  

c) Social 
Socially patterns occur when we change ourselves to please our peers or conform to society, to "fit in." The rooting of these patterns involve decisions we made after reaching puberty.  Trying to out do one another and gossip create unhealthy social patterns which can take hold whenever we change ourselves to match what we think others want instead of being true to ourselves. 

d) Attitudinal 
Attitudinal rooted patterns are created by inappropriate attitudes. At times these are  fed by judgment, ego, rigid belief systems, and prejudices. People with superiority or inferiority complexes may have attitudinal patterns. Self-esteem issues, depression, and anger allow 
these roots to take hold.  


e) Competitive   
Competitively rooted patterns result from us competing on some level. Competition always involves an attempt to dominate others—to “crush” the competition, rather than to co-create. Competitive dis-eases include control issues, rebelliousness, and lime-lighting (stealing the spotlight from others).


f) Reaction
The patterns take hold when a person is reacting immediately, automatically, and unconsciously to someone or something. This includes a person’s co-dependent behavior based on their fear of or desire for a possible reaction from someone else, e.g. "If I say that, he will get mad." Unhealthy reactions occur in a flash as a knee-jerk response to an individual, group, or circumstance. 

The 13 Core patterns that we would be working on are


  1. Abandonment  

  2. Guilt

  3. Shame

  4. Disrespect

  5. Entitlement

  6. Blocked Expression

  7. Out of Body

  8. Unhealthy Boundaries

  9. Unresolved Anger/Grief

  10. Control 

  11. Inappropriate Attachments

  12. Imbalances in Self Worth

  13. Misaligned Timing

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© 2022 AtlanteanAwakenings 


Ha'landrel is not an M.D. or licensed medical professional. She does not diagnose or treat medical conditions and does not consult or advise about such conditions. Metaphysical healing and vibrational therapies are performed as complementary practices to relieve stress and to clear and balance the body’s energy fields. While these practices can enhance and strengthen the healing process at all levels, they are not a substitute for appropriate medical care. It is the responsibility of each individual to seek and utilize a physician’s care and advice for medical conditions.


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